Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Social Biases in Our Society an Example by
Social Biases in Our Society Just how powerful can social bias be in influencing a persons thoughts and his actions? Are social injustices such as discrimination, stereotyping, and prejudice enough for a person to decide against his morals to commit a crime, or even a murder? Perhaps the incident involving a 15-year old in March of 2001 will prove to be sufficient for an answer. Need essay sample on "Social Biases in Our Society" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Charles Williams, of Santee, California, shot to death two of his high school classmates and wounded 13 others, in a shooting later confirmed as related to hate crimes by the authorities (Anti-Defamation League, 2001, p. 2). As stated by his classmates during an investigation, they had said that Charles, a skinny and short freshman, was often the attention of ridicules and bullies of the other guys. People Very Often Tell EssayLab professionals: How much do I have to pay someone to write my assignment online? Essay writers recommend: Things Go Better with Our Experts In a study by the National Education Association, they have found out that majority of the hate crimes are committed by those twenty years old and younger. In a particular study NEA had done in Chicago in 1992, it was revealed that in over 534 cases of hate crimes, 60% were committed by the said age-group (ADL, 2001, p. 2). In the apparent search for answers to this tragic reality, we are left to question the reasons for the proliferation in our culture of these social biases, which causes the most numbers of fatal hate crimes being committed by the youth. Social Biases The Anti-Defamation League defines discrimination as, the denial of justice and fair treatment by both individuals and institutions in many areas, such as employment, education, housing, banking, and political rights (ADL, 2001, p. 9). Its false ideals are founded on the superiority of a certain race, religion, or social class against another or a group of others belonging to a certain class. It can be observed evidently on the various sectors of society, be it in schools, corporations, politics, even in some restaurants, and in other institutions. Prejudice is basically pre-judging; according to ADL, it may be defined as making a decision about a person or group of people without sufficient knowledge. Prejudicial thinking is frequently based on stereotypes (ADL, 2001, p. 9). An example would be how a society, in general, treats ex-convicts with mistrust, and the seeming prejudice of the general society to all criminally-accused as already-proven guilty. Another form of bias as defined by the ADL is stereotype; it is the oversimplified generalization on a person or a group of people without regard for individual differences. Even seemingly positive forms of this can have negative consequences (ADL, 2001, p. 9). An evident form of this type is the stereotyping of people wearing eyeglasses as nerds; another is the stereotyping of those who excel in sports as being unintelligent. Subtle and Blatant Bias A thin line separates subtle than that of a blatant bias. Its meanings share a common ground in its tenet and practice, that making a distinct separation would prove taxing. However, certain conditions make the distinction clear enough for us to make comparisons, and delve deeper into these two topics. Subtle bias often functions in the unconscious level. People experiencing this show signs of sympathy to the aggrieved parties, are supportive of the ideas of equality, and consider themselves as non-biased people. However, they also bear ill feelings towards other minority groups. This type of bias is believed to be common with most of the well-educated American whites in the United States (Loewenstein, p. 1), as compared to the blatant type of bias which is characterized by direct and overt expressions of discrimination. A study done on this topic revealed that, a bystander who is the lone witness to an accident will help the victim regardless of his race. However, when there are multiple witnesses to the accident, he would be less likely to help the victim if he is of a different race (Loewenstein, p. 1). People who are victims of bias will tend to be less productive than what they are actually capable of achieving. There is an absence of a feeling of acceptance to a particular group where he belongs, resulting from covert and often overt manifestations of other peoples hatred towards the person belonging to a minority. This situation at times results in violent and fatal reactions from the individual, as we have witnessed with Charles Williams, when the person is driven to the limits of his temperament and personal morals (ADL, 2001, p. 2). Authorities have suggested a means of overcoming bias in society: through ways aimed at the root causes both at the individual and group levels. At an individual level, techniques may be aimed at the incognizant level, by ways such as broad-ranging educational guides to construct new, anti-bias preconceptions towards a social group, such as Blacks, Hispanics, etc. The introduction of such new anti-bias associations, plus the awareness of their propensity for discrimination had been shown to encourage self-regulatory progressions that would eventually result in, with ample time and experience, the lessening of negative values and mind-sets (Loewenstein, p. 3). On a group level, the use of the Common In-Group Identity Model had shown potentials of eliminating prejudiced thinking. In this technique, members from various social classes are grouped into a single ordinate core, thus eliminating the they and replacing it with we perceptions (Loewenstein, p. 3), hence discouraging the contributing factors to various forms of bias, discrimination, and racism. References 101 Ways to Combat Prejudice (2001). Anti-Defamation League. New York, New York 10017 U.S.A: Anti-Defamation League. Loewenstein, H. Aversive Racism-Subtle Bias, Combating Aversive Racism. Encyclopedia jrank.com.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Say It Right in Spanish
Say It Right in Spanish Thats right. Go to the right. Its my right to vote for a candidate from the right. Its just not right. Youve got it right. As the above sentences indicate, right is one of those English words that has a multitude of meanings. Althoughà many dictionaries give derecho as the first choice of Spanish words meaning right, its use would be absolutely wrong to translate some of the above sentences. Right as a Direction The Spanish way to refer to the opposite of left is usually derechoà (and its forms for gender and number)à when used as an adjective or the phraseà a la derecha as an adverb. The technique of using the right hand to play the violin is something that ought to be learned correctly. La tà ©cnica de uso de la mano derecha para tocar el violà n es algo que debe aprenderse correctamente.Symbolic language is rooted in the right side of the brain. El lenguaje simbà ³lico est radicado en el lado derecho del cerebro.The doctors have to amputate Jorges right leg. Los mà ©dicos tienen que amputar la pierna derecha de Jorge.The car turned right to the end of the street. El coche girà ³ a la derecha al final de la calle.Look right! à ¡Mira a la derecha! A la derecha is also used to mean to the right: His political positions often are to the right of those of this rivals. Sus posiciones polà ticas con frecuencia estaban a la derecha de las de sus rivales.Look to the right side of your screen. Mira a la derecha de tu pantalla. Right Meaning Correct When right means correct, the cognate correcto (or its adverb form, correctamente) can usually be used. Other synonymous words or phrases often work well also. Examples include bien or bueno, depending on whether an adverb or adjective, respectively, is needed. To be right can usually be translated as tener razà ³n. I think the article is right. Creo que el artà culo es correcto.Take the time in order to make the right decision. Tà ³mese el tiempo para tomar la decisià ³n correcta.I want to pick the right curtains. Quiero elegir las cortinas correctas. If the inhaler is used right the aerosol shouldnt drip from your nose. Si el inhalador se usa correctamente el aerosol no deber gotear de la nariz. Do you have the right time? à ¿Tienes el tiempo bueno? The customer is always right. El cliente siempre tiene razà ³n. Fortunately they werent right. Por suerte no tuvieron razà ³n. Right Meaning Just or Fair Often right carries the meaning of fairness or justice. In such cases, justo is usually a good translation, although in context correcto can have that meaning as well. Many poor people live here. That isnt right. Muchos pobres viven aquà . Eso no es justo.Thats true, it is difficult to do the right thing. Es verdad, es muy difà cil hacer lo justo. Right as an Entitlement A right in the sense of a moral or legal entitlement is a derecho. Civil rights ought to be respected, even during a national emergency. Los derechos civiles deben de ser respetados, inclusive en tiempos de estado de emergencia nacional.I have the right to be free of all types of abuse. Tengo el derecho de estar libre de todas las formas de abuso. Right Used as Emphasis Right is used in many contexts in English as a general word of emphasis. Often, it does not need to be translated into Spanish, or you may have to translate the meaning indirectly or with some idiom that is specific to what youre trying to say. Many variations other than those listed here are possible: What are you doing right now? à ¿Quà © ests haciendo ahora mismo?If possible, the baby should get milk right after being born. Si es posible, el bebà © debe mamar inmediatamente despuà ©s de nacer.The solution is right here. La solucià ³n est aquà mismo.Ill pay you right away. Voy a pagarte sin demora. Miscellaneous Phrases and Uses Often you can figure out a way of saying right by thinking of an alternative way of expressing the idea in English. For example, to say, The portrait is just right, you might say the equivalent of The portrait is perfect: El retrato es perfecto. Some miscellaneous phrases will have to be learned separately: right angle, right triangle; el ngulo recto, el tringulo rectoright-click (computer use), hacer clic con el botà ³n derecho del ratà ³nright-handed, diestroright of way, el derecho de pasoright-shift key, la tecla derecha de mayà ºsculasright wing (noun), la derecharight-wing (adjective), derechistaright-winger, el/la derechistato right (make correct), rectifar, reparar, rectificarto right (make upright), enderezar Etymological Note Although it may not be obvious, the English words right and the Spanish words derecho and correcto are etymologically related to each other. They all come from a Proto-Indo-European root word that had meanings connected withà moving in a straight line or leading. From that root we get words such a direct (directo in Spanish), rectitude (rectitud), erect (erecto), rule, ruler, regal, rey (king), and reina (queen).
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